FAQ - Employer Web Services



Which electronic data formats can you accept and process from employers?

Zenith American Solutions can receive and process employer data in a wide variety of electronic formats. However, in order to provide guidelines to employers, we have developed a standardized data format for electronic exchange. We have defined a large number of data validation routines for this format. In addition to this, we work closely with our clients and employers to develop mutually convenient electronic data exchange formats.

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Which electronic data exchange interfaces do you provide for employers?

Zenith American Solutions provides the following electronic data exchange interfaces for employers:

  • E-mail submission for encrypted transmission of employer data
  • Download from employers using secure FTP servers
  • ABPA's SecureSend Web Service
  • Electronic media (CDs, DVDs and tapes) sent to us by mail
  • Web-based online employer reporting service EmployerConnect

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What types of errors are found by your software?

We have multiple levels of validation built into our processes. Our software checks for the following errors:

  • Mismatch between reported and remitted dollar amounts
  • Duplicate submissions for the same period
  • Data transmission errors
  • Data file format errors Our software catches these errors and notifies our production staff via e-mail for initiation of suitable follow-up error correction.

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Do you process reciprocal payments?

Zenith American Solutions processes reciprocal incoming and outgoing payments in several formats including national standards such as ERTS and UARS.

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How can I access Employer Web Services?

For access to Zenith American Solutions' electronic data exchange services please contact your Account Executive.

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